Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Lorena and Ass Club 7

Today marks the return of Jeff to S club. We missed you bro! Our sound was just not the same.

"Mother tried way to hard to be deep. The only way to watch it is to be inebriated or something. Maybe with boxed wine. Easily the worst movie ever made next to the Fountain" - Lorena

"Aroma had shitty service. The Guy was rude and unorganized. Normally I like Aroma but this location was so bad" - 0/5 rubes


  1. Nice!! Great photo collage... so much... texture!

  2. Happy to be back and on the attack!
    Always good fun with the Ass club plus one!

  3. Another week in the books. This is by far the longest running sketch club in the city btw. According to my sources
