Tuesday, 6 June 2017

June 6: This week's topic: Marketable ideas: Combining 2 overwatch Characters

This week's topic is drawing something marketable!  Possibly in celebration of Ruby's new found wealth from selling her popular stickers . Fiya!!
The topic is combining 2 overwatch characters... (I hardly know any).. some nice drawing came out.
Alexi as usual ...on fire!
Other topics included : James Cameron sucking, Ruby Selling out, The disappointment of Ang Lee and other fun light existential themes.

D-v-ape by Kelly Erwin

Widow Widowmaker by Lorena Salas
Edit: Lorena: 'it was supposed to be Widow with Hanzo'
(Possible wardrobe malfunction)

Bunny hat, serious face. Ruby Lee 
Edit: Ruby: 'mine was Dva :'mine was Dva and Zarya'

Mai plus.. someone by Jasper Ng

Angel Ape  by Jeff Tran

Mai combined with Lorena by Lorena Salas  
Edit: Lorena : 'it's Dva and Mei'


  1. Great work gang! This might be our best session ever!!
    So many cool drawings.

    1. lots of participation this week! including me! lol.. just enough put to paper to post!

    2. Hey! where's yours, Alexi??? we are missing yours!!
