Tuesday, 20 June 2017

This week: mummy-mia what a sketch sesh...

This week's sketch sesh included a few new faces, and 1  less regular, Alexi is sick (allegedly) ,
Ruby Lee, Lorena Salas, Jasper Ng, Jeff Tran, Steph Southgate
and we have a few new peeps : Brian Tan, Micha, Jasmine

No podcast today..forgot to hit record!
Topic this week is... Mummys and Tom Cruise,

Other discussions included:  Brendan Fraser's tragedy,
Adam Auteur Sandler,
Jeff's intervention and his horrible taste in film
Bodykun little nekkid dolls,
Jasmine's Winnipeg Adventures,

this week's sketch sesh missin' a bit of the fun.. next week we'll pick it up!

Luckily we have at least something to post this week! 
Thanks Lorena!

Mummy drawing By Lorena Salas

Kaijune Sketches!dawin

Some drawings for Kaijune, the first one featuring Kai-Julio destroying the city, and the second... a mermaid monster from our sketching session last week. :D

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

June 13 Sketch sesh

Today's sketch sess include:
Alexi Chabane, Ruby Lee, Kelly Erwin, Steph Southgate , Jasper Ng, Lorena Salas, Jeff Tran

We finally have a name! The Scrub Sketchclub!
Likey? I likey!

The drawing topic today is GaiJune.. monster themed sketching . under water.

Other topics discussed were, our artist nicknames, vs pen names,
Lori's pen name origin story and her good will towards a duck,

Jasper's moment to ask his question that's been brewing inside him,
and Kelly's new realization within her work.

It's all self discovery here at the sketch sessions!

Kelly's monster from memory!   and Her ... tumblr nose! lol

Lorena's under sea creatures action scene

Ruby's quirky two legged merwoman! Starbucks lawyers be a callin'!

Alexi w/ the sexi merwoman... loveli

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Genji Mercy Mashup

I liked how this overwatch hybrid drawing turned out so I tried giving it a splash of colour! 

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Overwatch Mashup!

June 6: This week's topic: Marketable ideas: Combining 2 overwatch Characters

This week's topic is drawing something marketable!  Possibly in celebration of Ruby's new found wealth from selling her popular stickers . Fiya!!
The topic is combining 2 overwatch characters... (I hardly know any).. some nice drawing came out.
Alexi as usual ...on fire!
Other topics included : James Cameron sucking, Ruby Selling out, The disappointment of Ang Lee and other fun light existential themes.

D-v-ape by Kelly Erwin

Widow Widowmaker by Lorena Salas
Edit: Lorena: 'it was supposed to be Widow with Hanzo'
(Possible wardrobe malfunction)

Bunny hat, serious face. Ruby Lee 
Edit: Ruby: 'mine was Dva :'mine was Dva and Zarya'

Mai plus.. someone by Jasper Ng

Angel Ape  by Jeff Tran

Mai combined with Lorena by Lorena Salas  
Edit: Lorena : 'it's Dva and Mei'