Tuesday, 29 August 2017


This week's sketch group took place at the Black Bull. There was no word bag but we did draw some fill in the blanks sheets. We saw everything from trees to butts.

"there was no root beer"

"too many bees!"

1 out of 5 rubes.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Sketch club @ Anne boleyn and Chimac

Here are some sketches over the past 2 weeks, including a new exercise where we fill in some random lines. Some words from the word bag are cat, mystery, brain, raw.

Chimac 3/5, "its ok"

Anne Bolyn " coffee was good. but pretty strong. and I have to pay tip. so it ends up 5 dollar. :P
                         but the place was nice.
                         hopefully we can find some decent spot. more casual "
                         3/5 rubes